Optimise Your Life
Reach your peak performance!
Results Coaching
We work to close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.
This is a down-to-earth practical and effective approach to personal development and growth, putting you in touch with your potential and helping you achieve it. By focusing on what you want to achieve, Results Coaching helps you improve your self-awareness, self-confidence, personal and professional success. It enables you to manage life change, create strategies and effective ways to overcome any setbacks in life, and achieve personal happiness and fulfilment.

Health Coaching
Are health problems holding you back in your business or personal life? Did you know that your thoughts can affect the way your body works and seriously affect your health? For example stress is known to suppresses the immune system, allowing dis-eases to take hold. Learn how to tap into the enormous positive power of your mind to improve your health, your energy & your life for the better. So, let go of your ‘baggage’, change your thoughts and beliefs and enjoy the healthy life you deserve!
Health Coaching works to prevent illness & enhance (not replace) other medical treatments.
AgeWise! Coaching

'Re-inventing Retirement' Coaching
Are you are a babyboomer approaching traditional retirement age, or starting to think about it, and realising that you are just too young to retire? That you have too much energy and so much more you want to do - even though you may not know precisely what that is? Then this is for you! Devise the ideal way to spend the next phase of your life to bring you happiness, fulfillment and optimum health!
Coaching sessions can be face-to-face or on the ‘phone – or a mixture of both. I offer the option of a 6 or 12 hour coaching packages, arranged to suit you, over a 3 -12 month period. The first session is for an hour. Subsequent ones can be 45 or 60 minute in length according to your current requirements and the frequency to suit you.
For your free, no-obligation 20 minute initial consultation to find out more and discuss your requirements, please contact me now on01582 766541 (Harpenden, Hertfordshire) or 07815 509168.
Or e-mail at: diana@optimiseyourlife.com